I walked down 80 feet road, Indiranagar yesterday (after being told by the bank that I was still a minor as per their records and that they did not recognise my signature for withdrawals from my account) and it was a walk down memory lane. There was Sugandha Gift Gallery where we used to buy birthday gifts (when we spent a 100 bucks on them). And Chung's Pavillion where several birthday treats were given. There was the turning into New Thippasandra (nothing new and swanky about it) and the Bakery where we used to go to eat after school. Nearly every street in Indiranagar and Airport Road itself is full of forgotten good times - Coffee Days, Karthik Sweets, Kanti Sweets, Corner Houses, Baristas, Kaati Zones, Bombay Houses, Daily Breads, Casa Picolas, Shanti Sagars - scenes from a life in Bangalore without Law School.
Yet, while I used to think that Law School had spoiled Bangalore for me in several ways (primarily because many people who came down didn't like it and told me things like 'Oh, you should definitely go to Casa Picola'. I mean, really!), I realise now that it has made Bangalore all the more real for me. Pubs, discs, out of the way hamlets, tiny teashops, street food carts, shady bars - all these are very much a part of Bangalore and but for Law School, I would have never discovered them(or discovered much later).
How can I leave a city so seeped in memories..which has defined me so completely and has left an indelible mark on me? And on which I have left my own mark? Yet, I feel no real sadness on leaving - more a sense of completion. Like I know my time here is done, and I am ok with not coming back for a while (at least till the metro construction is completed). And as I start life on my own finally, with the things mentioned in the title, I am satisfied knowing that I have got all I can from this city and can leave it knowing I can still come back to it and feel loved.