Friday, June 12, 2009

I have never been particularly interested in cricket, but I have always had the highest regard for Rahul Dravid, as a sportsman and an ambassador for the once 'gentleman's game'. Today I had gone to a place near his house with my Mom for some work. Suddenly, my Mom said, "Hey, isn't that Dravid's wife?". I saw her standing on the pavement, with the newborn kid over her shoulder. Moments later, Dravid himself appeared holding his elder son's hand. They crossed the road, to his car..some Hyundai SUV. He settled his wife and kids into the car and then got into the driver's seat himself and drove off. There was no pomp, no security, no chauffeur, no adoring fans, nothing. Just him and his family, going for a visit to the doctor most probably, for his second kid. There was a great pleasure in seeing someone hailed as one the greatest batsmen and who has been captain of the Indian team, as a normal and distinguished member of the public. Dravid was as he always seems to have been, simple, unassuming and slightly perplexed by what was happening around him. I couldn't stop smiling after this incident.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

21 Random Things - On Anwesha's Behest, the Psycho

I have already written a version of this on facebook but for all those who feel facebook kills blogs, or don't check facebook or some such problems, here's another less introspective, less whiny and more funky set:
1. I have this weird need to try random food substances with trippy names. Like Bindu, Rani, Melto and Fun Tan.
2. My sense of humour of late has taken a morbid turn. I find Bambi meets Godzilla, persons getting knocked off trains while standing on the platform and persons drowning in their bathtubs, funny.
3. I am increasingly thinking of taking up smoking because it looks so hot.
4. I have seen 3 Broadway shows - Chicago, West Side Story and Mary Poppins.
5. I have a major 'good looks' hang up. However, my standards for good looks are not too high. Usually if the guy has curly hair and specs, I'm happy.
6. I think the Fedrer - Nadal rivalry is the single most exciting thing in the world today.
7. I look at the moon/ sunsets/ other pretty natural phenomenan and often wish I had someone in life.
8. On the otherhand I'm terrified of what will happen when I actually find that someone.
9. I almost permanently have a schoolgirl type crush on someone or the other. Yeah, all of you don't know this about me: I can dream about a guy I have just glimpsed somewhere for ages.
10. When I like someone all I can do is laugh inanely at their jokes and keep smiling at them. Its quite irritating.
11. I love singing at the top of my voice. I have been told to keep it down twice by seniors while singing in the bathroom. Its so much fun!
12. I once cried when we lost a throwball match in school. It was a very close match.
13. I have always wanted to be in showbiz. From Miss India, to a Bollywood Actress, to a Rock Star, to an RJ to reintroduces Woodstock philosophy in this day and age to a singer in a nightclub in New York to a Rockette in Radio City Music Hall to a Broadway prodigy. I permanently have some showbiz dream.
14. I love pretty, expensive things. Like Chanel dresses and Prada handbags. And I LOVE formal clothes.
15. I have always wanted to win a Grand Slam. May be Lawland Garros at Spiritus next year!
16. I think Humphrey Bogart is the most desirable person to have ever lived.
17. I love watching any sort of dance..from Bharatnatyam to Broadway (sorry couldn't resist that one :D), even though I don't have much faith in my dancing skills.
18. I like to rewatch the bit in Casablanca when Bogart and Bergman see each other for the first time. It always gives me goosebumps.
19. I have a fairly wild imagination. A lot of it seems to revolve around martians and idlis.
20. I love the idea of movies, know loads of movie trivia and eagerly watch the Oscars always but can't bring myself to watch movies themselves. Does that make sense?
21. I still don't know why I'm in law school. Though this AMSS internship sure has made it worthwhile :D.

I tag all those on my blog list..including Serena Williams, if she so listens.