Saturday, January 19, 2008

Facebook - Generally prescribed for Sociopaths?

I just did two interesting quizzes on what kind of a kisser I am and what my kissing style is. I got rave reviews, one said I was a romantic kisser and the other said that I kiss better than 85% of the people in the world. This is pretty interesting because I have never kissed a guy and had to fake some random answers, based on what I thought I would do.

I just did another quiz "What kind of music are you?". And the result was "Dance". I am pretty crushed by this, as you can imagine..I wanted the result to be psychedelic rock, especially since when I did "Which Rock Star are you?", the result was Jimmy Hendrix.

Now I wish there is a quiz which asks the question "Why the BLEEDING HELL do I do these quizzes and add these applications in the first place?!?!"

Facebook applications are probably the most charmingly pointless things on the planet. They are even more addictive and useless than a bag of potato chips after a heavy meal. The quizzes have you hooked, they convince you about various facets of you personality that you never even considered (though I'm still not convinced about this dance music thing), they tell you what kind of eyes you have, which movie star you are, and make you believe that you are secretly a homosexual or have a major anti-social personality disorder. In short, they are probably the most life-changing things you'll ever do. Then there are the Facebook applications, which range from "Oh that's funky" to "brainless, but I'll do it anyway". Through these applications, you can send gifts, send booze (I added all possible applications of this type, people barely send me stuff though), compare your personality traits, throw food, throw pillows, bite people and turn them into zombies, buy fish for an aquarium, buy shoes (virtual of course) and such other things which you can't for the world think of a reason for doing. But you do them anyway. There are slightly more sensible ones such as a virtual bookshelf, the flixster movie application and the i-like music application, and the dog book..all designed for those pompous show offs (like me) who have read/ watched/ heard/ possessed lots of books/ movies/ music/ dogs.

There are downsides also. Firstly, there's the endless business of inviting 20 friends when you add an application. This is very embarrassing especially when you do a quiz like "What is you secret sexual orientation?". I felt pretty shady inviting people to do the "What kind of a kisser are you?" quiz itself, but thent that's all a part of life. You win some (not sure what) and you lose some (your respect and brain among other things). Otherwise, the whole thing is pretty pointless. But the worst about this is, when you add more than 20 people, a red dialog box pops up saying "20 people is the limit" or some similar terse message, like you have committed a crime of breach of privacy or something like that. You feel shocked and cheated, after all, you're inviting people only because these application buggers asked you to do it in the first place. But of course, your dignity is anyway kind of in the mud, so you just click the send button with a feeble, accepting smile. Also, you need a really good net connection to actually send invites to other people. When I try these quizzes in college, the net just protests and stops working in anger and exhaustion. But of course I try again and again, sitting like a zombie in front of the comp to know "What my birth month signifies?".

Thus, days and months pass, and you go on discovering things, sending things, infecting people (this is what the zombie and vampire applications do), writing on people walls, funwalls, super walls, graffitti walls, poking them, x-ing them, hugging them, rating them...and the list goes on for ever. Your eyes grow wide and red-rimmed, you look like you've been infected by all possible infecting applications, you don't mind the fact that you fought with your best friend because you sent bought shoes for her, and you discover old friends online and promptly buy them a round of drinks. What more of a social life do you need?! (unfortunately, thats not a quiz offered)

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