Sunday, December 20, 2009

I just realised that the basic bass line of A.R. Rahman's 'Telephone Manipur' from Indian (Hindustani) is the same as Ace of Base's 'All that She Wants'. Of course, Rahman's just using western influences. When Anu Malik does the same thing, he's copying :D

Proper blogging will resume soon, for my presumed fans' benefit


vikramhegde said...

Ma'am, you shall kindly note that the song goes Telephone MANIPOL sirippaval ivalaa and bear no reference to any state of the Republic of India. But then this lyrics mangling is not as funny as "baap ban jaaye"

Divya said...

Is it that!? I've always wondered why its telephone manipur :D

aandthirtyeights said...

Minimal influence.