Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Ladies and Gentle-dudes..Yours truly has had a marvelous trimester where lots of things went wrong but a hell lot of stuff went right. I can definitely look back on with a sense of achievement (like I do look back on all screwed up periods of my life). The best bit about this trim though was I did what I loved doing, reasonably well....which made it all the more special. I wasn't involved in sorting out messes made by myself, I was involved in planning, executing and building from scratch. I've realised that I love creating stuff. This doesn't mean I have artistic or songwriting (though I try here) tendencies or anything, it just means that I love putting together something, thinking of ways to make it better, innovating, appealing to various audiences, watching all parts coming together to make a living, breathing, sucessful whole. And I love the role demanded of me..the master crasftwoman, quietly standing in the background and watching things smoothly fall into place. It was lovely!

May be that's why I like the idea of marketing so much. I like trying to figure people and their wants, keeping various parameters in mind while doing the same. I love selling a product..provided I believe in the philosophy and ideal behind the product. While I have my reservations about advertising and the fact that it might be conning the public, marketing to my mind is a more genuine exercise because it actually takes into account needs and wants of the people...actually trying to give it to them without solely relying on making them believe its something else. To get someone to appreciate anything for what it actually is would be the sweetest victory.

And this trim, the victory was sweet. Acads suffered, relationships were slightly above average but the work spoke for itself..weaving a spell, spreading good cheer, hopefully creating a revolution. And while I can't say that everything was rosy and I am incredibly happy at the end of this trim, I can say that one emotion which definitely stands out among the others is pride.

Exams are coming now. I don't know what I feel about them after last time's experience. For the past three occasions (trimesters that is) on which I've given exams, I have been highly stressed out. This time, I am scared and quite motivated but there is something missing. I wouldn't say I was disillusioned or anything...just detached I guess. The whole 'work should speak for itself' philosphy I think has penetrated that corner of my brain which always flared up in righteous anger everytime my results didn't seemingly reflect my 'preparation'. I am ready to take what comes..I am not going to make any positive or negative statements about the same. This doesn't mean that I won't be all messed up if my results are really bad, its just a more mature and calculated way of tackling things. (some might call it being resigned to their fate. I think its largely that as well!).

New Year was lovely this year, certainly one of the best I had. It was not spent in random dancing and drinking but in savouring simple pleasures in life...the company of close friends (if not family..sorry I love you guys!), a large cheese burst pizza and a feel good movie with great songs from one of my all time favourite artists (Mamma Mia)....and good liquor made into nice cocktails (by yours truly again!) was excellent. It signified a nice sober start to the year, symbolic of the fact that though you got really caught up with the frenetic pace of activity, you could always take some time off to relax and indulge. I am too lazy to upload the picture of our excellently stocked bar, but will do it someday.
As a conclusion...the trimester was pretty I can't wait for it to end!

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