Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sambhar Guide: Part I

People write reviews on a lot of things: movies, retaurants, books, albums, drinks and so on. I have decided to take the funda to a whole new level and write about.......drumroll please.......Sambhar!! Ta-daa! I think a good knowledge of the Sambhar in an eating joint makes all the difference about visiting that joint. It tells you whether you have have a good accompaniment to your idlis, what the general quality of other food will be like, what will be the ghee content and so on. So I have decided to address this vital topic.

First stop, closer to home, home being college in this case: SLV Upahaar (Nagarbhavi, also found liberally scattered throughout Bangalore).

One would not suspect this small hole of producing mind-blowing Sambhar. It does. The first mouthful on the uninitiated tastebuds produces and explosion of intermingling tastes, making it a singular experience. The Sambhar podi used by the samel-kaaras at SLV is undoubtedly potent and fantastic. There are so many different sensations and flavours captured in that one bite: a hint of coconut here, a dash of garlic there and several other spices that I am woefully unaware of; getting the combination just right. It is just spicy enough to make your nose run at the last moment, yet the spice never hits you in the face, knocking you out cold. And of course, the underlying essence of ghee...absolutely delightful! Sambhar Maami reccomends it with a capital R; enjoy it with your idlis or with some good old saadham or even just drink cup-fulls of it. The experience is always rewarding!

Coming soon: Saravanaa Bhavan - The God of all Gods!

Sambhar Tip: Most places are liberal with their sambhar so don't scrounge! Take large helpings with every bite and ask for more, they will be free of charge. A good sambhar is as good as any cocktail, being the foremost achievement as far as spice cocktails go. So, go ahead and indulge!

1 comment:

vikramhegde said...

When are you doing my interview for the Mysore Rasam? I think people should learn from Coke and Pepsi start selling Rasam as Diet Sambhar.