Thursday, January 22, 2009


"Got a feeling 21 is gonna be a good year" sang Roger Daltry. I should probably believe it. My sister's friend called me 'Aunty'today. Of course it was on the phone, and I do sound exactly like my Mom telephonically..but it was my first 'aunty' incident, made more freaky by the fact that I'm turning 21 tomorrow. Its a big age.....I guess I should finally get rid of that ridiculous habit of calling every woman who is older than me nad not my senior, aunty.
And those military pants...
And probably that 'Rebel Queen' T-shirt...
And all those old slam books which have questions like "My latest crush" and where people have written that their most memorable moment was when I became a good friend of theirs?
21 is the legal age for drinking in Delhi (or is it 25?). Its also the legal age for gambling in America. Its the age my Mom got married. And the age to be called 'aunty'?
21 better be a good year..


vikramhegde said...

Ha. Lucky you I've been 'Uncle' since I was 16. (It was a fifteen year old who called me that and in response I had proudly twirled the first two strands of mooch I had sprouted). But yes... wish you a terrific twenty one.

Anonymous said...

Aaw.. Bt please keep the same bubbly smiley chirpy cheerful, happy, bright, enthusiastic, lively, sparkling, sunny, jolly, animated, buoyant, radiant, jaunty, sprightly, in high spirits, blithe, full of beans ;) light-hearted DIVI alive..
U will never be 'aunty-like' even when u are 91

Divya said...

Woah thanks anonymous! Please tell me who you are!

Anonymous said...

Thats for you to find out!!! :)
Lets jus say an old acquaintance..

Unknown said...

I got called aunty in when i was 11..kinda roughs you up a bit..the first experience..but like i said, we all have to go through it..its a part of growing up..

Bhavya said...

I have thankfully escaped it so far. And who is this anonymous person, divi? Or can I guess? :)

Divya said...

I wish I knew! I'm quite overwhelmed :D